Who is Remm
And why do you care?
I get it.
Why would you tell your inner most thoughts to a stranger?
I told myself the same thing when I started on this journey 3 years ago.
I was just like you. I had spent my whole life trained in a “Do more, to be more” operating philosophy. I went to the right schools, dated the right people, got the right jobs, made the right money and was still left feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, unsettled, frustrated and unhappy. While I recognized this approach wasn’t going to get me where I wanted to go, I wrestled with whether to ignore the realization, figure it out on my own, or seek out appropriate guidance and support. Realizing I didn’t want to go it alone, liking the idea of a neutral third party, and wanting better results more quickly, I eventually opted to work with an executive coach. The objective insights from someone who wanted nothing but the best for me, while needing nothing from me in return, was invaluable.
Fast forward to years of self-discovery later and I’ve reoriented to a more mindful approach of “Just be, more present, aware, open, curious, with compassion and equanimity, and let the doing flow from there,” which has me feeling more aligned, easeful, kind and grateful. With my improved clarity and focus, I’m more productive, able to respond to change and the unexpected more skillfully, and I’m in better sync with my intuition and heart, which allows me to lead from a place of ease, rather than pressure. It has allowed me to become the mentor I had been looking for all along. Importantly, this journey has led me to coaching, providing me the honor of guiding others to become the leader they deserved, and needed as well.
I believe that self-awareness, as well as meaningful growth and sustainable transformation,
require a looking inward with radical self-inquiry.
This is what makes great leaders legendary.
Why Executive Coaching.
Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Scattered. Boundriless. Stressed. Anxious. Irritable. Isolated.
Frustrated. Discouraged. Impatient. Helpless. Hopeless. Withdrawn. Lonely.
Dissatisfied. Disconnected. Empty. Unsettled. Directionless. Lost. Confused.
“Your presence—there is a calmness. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and how you sit with questions, and dig into yourself for the answers that you want to give and how you want to show up.”
— Dr. Shelley Prevost, The Big Self Podcast
Some answers to your questions
What is coaching?
Coaching is about helping you unlock the best way for you to engage and lead at work and at home. While there are plenty of self-improvement and well-being books, podcasts, and seminars, only a coach can help you identify and implement the best ways for you to show up, enhance your personal leadership style, and hold you accountable all at the same time.
How I do it
Three phase process : (1) Work to better understand you, where you want to go, and what’s getting in the way of your vision from becoming reality; (2) Operationalize what we’ve learned, integrate new behaviors and celebrate your hard work and clear signs of progress; (3) You’re seeing more clearly. Things are happening more easily. At this point, we’ll move to monthly check-in calls to address questions, or issues, that may pop-up.
Why it works
The benefits of coaching are life changing. Reorienting from a place of feeling fearful, helpless, and even at times hopeless, to one of being more focused, self-empowered and resilient is transformational. The result is increased productivity, less stress and a big improvement in overall well-being for you, your organization, and your family.

Choose you.
Choose your happiness.
Choose your success.
Why Remm.
Let me help.
Strategic Advisor
Extensive experience. I’ve held senior positions and leadership roles in Financial Services, Healthcare, and Government. I’ve seen a lot— different types of companies, cultures, and management styles—and know what works and what doesn’t. Importantly, I know about rethinking what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, familiar with career transitions, and choosing to reinvent yourself.
Caring Change Agent
Walked the walk. I have a big heart, keen ear, discerning eye and I’ve been where you are. This is why I’ve chosen to be a trusted advisor, confidant, and thought partner for those tired of pretending everything is ok; for those secretly longing for the chance to expose their thoughts and emotions to the light of day, with the right person, in a safe place, in full confidence.
Client Champion
Committed to my clients. Clients recognize my strong personal commitment to meaningful growth and sustainable transformation, and appreciate that I want the same for them and will firmly hold them accountable. I enjoy championing my clients as they regain their footing and begin seeing the fruits of their labor. I relish using my dry, sarcastic humor to make even the most challenging sessions, just a bit more tolerable and, dare I say, enjoyable.