4 Ways To Attract Positive Energy To You

Like attracts like, and we each attract and create our world. By focusing not on what was, only what can be, and eventually, what is, we can create the world we choose.

Guess what? Whatever we direct our attention to will expand. The result of a focus on scarcity is a life of fear, stress, and anxiety. Make the decision to change our mindset, and walk the path of abundance, great things start happening.

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Building Trust And Loyalty At The Office

What does being real and brave look like in the boardroom? Great leaders are open, honest and direct with themselves first. They engage in a process of self-inquiry to cut through their own self-delusion, which includes blaming others and taking little responsibility. Such introspective work can be difficult and painful, as it involves recognizing they’re not innocent. But brave leaders step up and go first, naming the situation and putting words to it.

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