3 Emotionally Intelligent Practices To Upgrade Your Leadership

“How can I be a better leader and motivate my team during COVID?” Is the number one question in my inbox at the moment.

From those just getting their seat at the table, to the ones having led their teams for decades, they all find themselves in this new unfamiliar territory.

I’ll tell you what I tell them…

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Avoiding Difficult Conversations

“It’s kind of working,” he’d been telling himself for the last several weeks. “Maybe if I just try harder, I can rehabilitate him,” he rationalized. And so he kept putting it off. Coming up with second and third chances. In the meantime, frustrating and angering the team members around the individual. In a grey area, going back and forth in his mind. And the decision to let an employee go, all the more challenging for him, given his innate desire to make people happy. 

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