4 Emotionally Intelligent Practices To Upgrade Your Communication Habits

If you’re looking to show up to work with increased confidence, trust, ease, and wisdom during your next challenging conversation, try these 4 practices for shifting your team dynamic and communicating better at the office: Be Mindful Of Your Judgments And Interpretations, Increase Your Capacity For Discomfort, Cultivate The Quality Of Your Presence, and Remember Your Values. 

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Great Leaders Connect, Inspire, And Support

Do you invite your team to challenge the way things have always been done at your organization?

Great leaders don’t get locked into the “that’s the way things are done around here” syndrome. Instead, they give their employees the autonomy to solve their own problems, freeing up space to do their own big work, while also empowering their team to grow and develop into the most impactful version of themselves.

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3 Emotionally Intelligent Practices To Upgrade Your Leadership

“How can I be a better leader and motivate my team during COVID?” Is the number one question in my inbox at the moment.

From those just getting their seat at the table, to the ones having led their teams for decades, they all find themselves in this new unfamiliar territory.

I’ll tell you what I tell them…

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A Woman Yelled At Me This Week… I Chose Not To Shout Back

I woke up needing a coffee.

Several months into the pandemic with heavy rain for the last several days, this morning was different. The sun was shining brightly. Having already worked out and meditated, I was excited to get outside, enjoy the weather and pick up a coffee at my favorite neighborhood café.

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