4 Emotionally Intelligent Practices To Upgrade Your Communication Habits

If you’re looking to show up to work with increased confidence, trust, ease, and wisdom during your next challenging conversation, try these 4 practices for shifting your team dynamic and communicating better at the office: Be Mindful Of Your Judgments And Interpretations, Increase Your Capacity For Discomfort, Cultivate The Quality Of Your Presence, and Remember Your Values. 

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Great Leaders Connect, Inspire, And Support

Do you invite your team to challenge the way things have always been done at your organization?

Great leaders don’t get locked into the “that’s the way things are done around here” syndrome. Instead, they give their employees the autonomy to solve their own problems, freeing up space to do their own big work, while also empowering their team to grow and develop into the most impactful version of themselves.

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Slowing Down To See People, Not As Problems

If you find yourself struggling to inspire and motivate your employees, and keep them feeling supported so that they can do their best work, I’ll tell you what I tell my clients—it’s not your fault, it’s human nature.

Your work is no longer about believing you have to have all the answers, all the time, and telling others what to do, instead it becomes seeking input from the team around you and empowering them to get the job done.

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Big Self Podcast Episode — How To Use Executive Coaching To Stop White-Knuckling And Start Motivating

Have you ever wondered how I made the shift from Wall Street to Operations, to Executive Coaching? Last week I sat down with Dr. Chad Prevost and Dr. Shelley Prevost from The Big Self Podcast and Big Self School to talk about my journey from Leadership roles in finance and healthcare to coaching today’s leaders how to have more impact and less stress at the office and at home.

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Avoiding Difficult Conversations

“It’s kind of working,” he’d been telling himself for the last several weeks. “Maybe if I just try harder, I can rehabilitate him,” he rationalized. And so he kept putting it off. Coming up with second and third chances. In the meantime, frustrating and angering the team members around the individual. In a grey area, going back and forth in his mind. And the decision to let an employee go, all the more challenging for him, given his innate desire to make people happy. 

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Great Leaders Set The Tone

“What if I’m missing something? What if they’re mad at me? What if someone needs my help? What if I’m letting everyone down?” rang the voices in his head.

Fresh off a week-long vacation, but super anxious. While he had mostly disconnected during his time off, it took him several days to get there. My client reached out because he was anxious about his return to work and what awaited him. Even more urgent, however, he was awakening to the fact that it might be about much more than a ballooning inbox.

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